Three chords and the truth
It was said about Dylan that all he ever did was “play three chords and the truth.” Husband and wife team, Flavio Lichtenthal and Lisa Landry, started No. Six Depot in 2013 with just that in mind. To keep it simple. But most of all to make it true.
We came from careers of singer song-writer, social worker and chef; and writer and designer to start a coffee company in an 1834 train station in a sweet old town with our two young sons as packager and barista. That was ten years ago. We’ve grown a lot since then, but we’re still family-owned and run and more passionate about our mission than ever.

We now spend two to three months a year traveling the world to coffee-growing countries. We go to the highlands to learn indigenous methods of planting, to biospheres to explore agroforestry, and to the producers to learn their ways of drying, and fermenting; cupping and roasting. We’re forever inspired by the skill, creativity and care and that go into making each bean as true as it can be. Oh, and we’re writing a book on the wild coffee of Ethiopia. So, yeah, we’re into it.
In our roastery, we endeavor to honor the efforts of the growers. Roaster-team, Flavio and Antonio, create unique profiles for each bean that draw out what is true and essential in each. Our whole team, cups and assesses. We adjust and try again. And again until it’s right. Our wholesale team, led by Paola, supports our customers with grace, a genuine desire for their success, and meticulous attention to detail.

Making it beautiful
Finally, in our cafe, baristas take it as their mission to make beautiful coffee drinks. And to make your day beautiful while they’re at it. Because coffee (and kindness) can do that. We hope you come visit us in the train station: sit in our cafe, gallery or front porch, shop our store, visit the roastery. And be part of this community of coffee and people that stretches from coffee cherry to cup, from grower to you.